Bookmarked Last Month: May 2023

Bookmarked Last Month: May 2023

4 minute read

Throughout May, our social media feeds were bursting with mesmerizing posts that showcased the extraordinary connections people have with our special edition books and bookish merch. Prepare to be dazzled, inspired, and transported to a magical realm of books in our celebration of the most captivating moments from the month of May in this edition of Bookmarked Last Month!

@literaryfaery kicks things off on a Scottish note. Check out her amazing cosplay, which just so happens to feature our Claire’s Knit Gloves! (We totally LOVE seeing our book boyfriend in the background of this pic, too. 😍)

Have you seen the STUNNING artwork for our upcoming special edition of Stardust by Neil Gaiman? @andrewdavis_designs has captured the fanciful vibe of the story in a highly unique way. Sales for Stardust open June 7th for Lunacorn members and June 8th for the public– don’t miss out!

Speaking of Stardust, Twitter user @ musicalgroot definitely expressed our hype for the books in this enthusiastic tweet!

Red Queen fans, this one’s for you! @lectureetpailette ’s TikTok of our Red Queen Spinner Pin and Mare Barrow Earrings has a certain dramatic flair. We think the music perfectly fits the vibe of the Red Queen series.

@lectureetpaillette Je ne lai jamais posté 😭 Bientôt je vais recevoir la saga en relié collector signés par la Queen Victoria Aveyard 😍😍 #redqueenbooks #victoriaaveyardsupremacy #marebarrowcosplay #marebarrowearrings @Victoria Aveyard ♬ Enemy - TAYLOR MALONE

Moving onto the more macabre side of things, @book.barbarian shows off our special edition box set of Nevernight by Jay Kristoff in this haunting image. The pic’s ambiance definitely fits the deadly aspects of the tale of Mia Corvere.

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Take a trip to see the Headmaster with @stephaniespensieve ’s awesome post of our Headmaster’s Office Fairy Door. We love the magical, stop-motion animation of this post, which gives you a glimpse at the gorgeous designs of the door and the office inside.

We were captivated while reading @_dieforanight_ ’s breakdown of an iconic scene from Six of Crows on Twitter. Their commentary is spot-on and explains why we had to include this artwork in our upcoming special edition.

May is also the month of #MerMay, when mermaids are celebrated! In honor of this month, @ BohemianWeasel showed off their awe-inducing aquatic artwork from our special edition of The Wicked King by Holly Black, part of our Folk of the Air special edition box set. We still can’t get over the “side-eye.”

Remember, the magic doesn't end here! Stay tuned for our next installment of Bookmarked Last Month, where we'll embark on a fresh adventure through June's captivating bookish moments. If you want to be a part of Bookmarked Last Month, make sure to tag us in your social media posts!

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