Q&A with Author A.K. Mulford, Author of A River of Golden Bones

Q&A with Author A.K. Mulford, Author of A River of Golden Bones

October 18, 2023•3 minute read read

Join us as we talk with A.K. Mulford, a talented fantasy author who calls the scenic landscapes of New Zealand home. Mulford is not only a gifted writer but also a former wildlife biologist whose journey into the realm of literature has brought forth a diverse and captivating array of fantasy tales. As some reviewers have said, “If she writes it, I’ll read it.”

A.K. Mulford Author Image

Mulford is the author of the second book choice A River of Golden Bones in our Fall 2023 To Bee Read Book Box subscription . Learn about the main book choice in the Q&A with Greta Kelly, Author of The Queen of Days [link when published]

A River of Golden Bones cover and page edges

A River of Golden Bones is Mulford's first installment of The Golden Court series that promises to be a thrilling adventure of fantasy, romance, self-discovery, and adventure. In this exclusive Q&A, we’re so excited for you to get a glimpse into their creative process and the inspiration that fueled their love for books.

Q&A with A.K. Mulford

LitJoy: How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

I usually get some sort of cake that’s loosely themed around the story. (For The Evergreen Heir we did a mint cake, etc.) My kids love having a book birthday celebration so we light candles, sing, and feast. And then the following day it’s on to writing the next book!

A.K. Mulford's the Evergreen Heir book cover and a mint chocolate cake

What or who inspired your love of books? How?

My mom definitely was the one to foster my love of reading! She could never say no when it came to getting new books. Some of my earliest memories are leaving the library with stacks and stacks of storybooks. Mom loved reading to us, and I think she was honestly a little disappointed that I learned to read so early, but she’d still read aloud to me whenever I was sick. For so many classic books, I hear her voice as the narrator. Later on, she was a bookseller at an independent bookstore and she always loved connecting people with the perfect book. Even now, she’s still fostering that love of reading and is always recommending me new stories!

What’s the last show that you binged and loved?

I’ve just binge-watched Our Flag Means Death again! It has quickly become my comfort re-watch. As a queer fantasy author from Aotearoa, New Zealand, it’s probably my favorite show. Pirates, queer representation, and some of my favorite kiwi actors? Yes please!

Our Flag Means Death series image

Give us a snapshot of an ordinary moment in your life that brings you great (Lit)Joy?

Taking early morning walks as the sun comes up in Australia and hearing the kookaburras laughing in the trees! You can’t help but smile too!

Two Kookaburra sitting in a tree