Become a LitJoy Lunacorns Member!
The LitJoy Lunacorns are a private membership group with tons of perks! Start enjoying the Lunacorns Monthly Membership today.
You receive:
- Full access to our private Lunacorns Facebook Group
- Includes: bonus exclusive sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content, private LIVEs from the LitJoy team, and extra giveaways and sales!
- Shop the exclusive Lunacorns Shop
- Includes: Early bird access to select new-release products, Discount Tuesday product deals, exclusive products, and product re-stocks for only Lunacorns, and a FREE gift with your first purchase as a Lunacorn!
Membership fee: Join now for $10 a month!
You'll immediately receive:
- 100 Rewards Points to use at LitJoy Crate ($10 value). This means that your membership is $10/month, but that money goes right into your LitJoy account to spend whenever you want!
- A VIP invitation to our private Lunacorns Facebook Group
NOTE: You will be charged the $10 Prepaid Rewards amount when you begin your membership and every month when your membership renews. Your membership will continue until you skip or cancel. Memberships are non-refundable
Your $10 is non-refundable and you will be able to spend that $10 in the form of Rewards Points any time at the LitJoy SHOP.